Persecution is described in all parts of Revelation – from its opening chapters to the final attack on Jerusalem – and the historical context of Revelation provides a reason for this. John’s apocalyptic writing most likely dates to the AD 90’s, during the reign of the Emperor Domitian. The persecution of Christians reached a climactic level at this time, many Christians were executed, and John himself was banished to the Island of Patmos.
When we see this historical context clearly, we begin to grasp the importance of the message of hope-despite-persecution within Revelation. We see it in John’s personal introductory words to his fellow believers: “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ…” (Revelation 1:9) – words which set the tone for the whole book.
We especially see this theme of endurance under persecution in the letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation’s second and third chapters. The letters are written in the form of imperial edicts, but John makes it clear that Jesus is the king of kings (and emperors) to whom we must listen. Just as Imperial Roman edicts proclaimed, for example: “Hear what Domitian says …,” so the letters of Revelation all include “… hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7, etc.).
Just as imperial edicts would often say “I know what you have done” to their recipients, so the seven letters repeatedly stress Christ’s words: “I know your works” (Revelation 2:2, etc.). The letter to Smyrna, for example, makes this theme clear: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty … Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer….and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:9-10).
We can learn much about persecution and hope from these seven letters. Consider two vital facts:
1) The letters to the seven churches – except for Sardis and Laodicea – all contain encouragement regarding perseverance in the face of persecution. Sardis and Laodicea are the two churches where persecution is not mentioned and are also the two churches that are said to be either asleep or blind.
2) Conversely, each church is given some correction – apart from Smyrna and Philadelphia, which we know historically were the two most persecuted churches. Of the seven churches, the most fiercely persecuted congregations are the only ones praised without reproach.
These facts remind us that we must never presume persecution comes upon believers because they are not sincere or righteous enough. If anything, Revelation indicates the opposite – that churches that do not experience persecution of any kind may not be spiritually active or alive.
This is not just a message regarding persecution in John’s time (Revelation 1:19). Today, Christianity is the most persecuted religious faith in the world. It has been calculated that more people died for their belief in Christ during the last century than in all nineteen previous centuries, and in the 21st century the number of Christians suffering persecution has increased even more. But if there is a single, unifying message in Revelation’s letters to the churches, it is that God sees their trials and promises that whatever is taken from them by persecution will be returned in the Kingdom at an infinitely greater level – whether relationships, positions, possessions, or life itself.