Something to think about: When Moses asked God for his name (Exodus 3:14), God replied with some of the most famous words in the Hebrew Bible. In English translations of the Bible these words are translated “I am that I am” or “I am who I am,” but they have a great deal more significance. The word ehyeh translated "I am" is a form of the Hebrew word to “exist” and it can actually be translated “was,” “am” or “will be” – all are correct.
In the encouraging statement of Isaiah 41:10, although with different words, we find the same basic meaning of the One who was, and is, and will be, promising us that just as he is our God, he will be with us to help us as we move through time. Like the words of Exodus 3:14, Isaiah’s words connote more in the Hebrew than we might guess in English translations – they show that God’s continuing with us is just as sure as his present existence. We can take reassurance and hope in the fact that God commands his people to “fear not” because the great “I am” is also the great “I will.”