The new site has received a lot of visitors and positive comments already and we are excited that it has had such a great reception. There is an obvious and growing need for Christian e-books that can be read on any electronic device, but although there are numerous websites offering free Christian literature, their books all too often offer a narrow denominational perspective, are only “occasionally” or “partially” free, and often require registration with an email address that leads to advertising or other “follow ups.” Perhaps that is why our new site has been an immediate success with its non-denominational approach and completely free downloads without any strings, conditions or registrations.
And there is more good news. Free Christian E-Books is not intended to be a static library – we plan to add new titles to the site on a regular basis. We have already added a number of new e-books and more are on the way.
The new additions include a small selection of Bible translations as well as Bible study and Christian living helps by established Christian authors. There is already a wide selection of titles to choose from, but the new additions make the site even more useful. So if you haven’t visited yet – or to see the new titles – you can visit here.