"A man’s message of Faith lies in the way he lives his life and not in the words he says. Not long ago, I was in the heart of Africa, near the Great Lakes. There I met men and women who remembered with affection the one white man they had encountered: David Livingstone. And while I followed his footsteps through the Dark Continent, people’s faces lit up as they told me about the doctor who had passed through there some three years before. They could not understand what Livingstone said to them, but they felt the Love that was there in his heart. Take that same Love with you and the work you do will be fully justified. ...Then our souls will grow gentler, not because we took out aggression, but because we put in Love ...
Love begets Love. If you place a piece of iron close to a source of electricity it will, by a process of induction, become electrified. If you place it close to a magnet, it will become a magnet for as long as the other magnet is there. Remain close to Him who loved us and you will be magnetised by that Love. Anyone who seeks the cause will feel the effect."